Sara Perry left a clear sign on her electric meter asking NYSEG for her consent before installing a Smart Meter. It didn't work. Here is her story.
Smart and digital utility meters are actively being deployed and mandated across New York State without adequately informing consumers of the health, safety and privacy risks. In some cases, this is happening without notification or consent. Unlike electro-echanical analog meters that have been safely used for decades, smart meters and (some) digital meters emit toxic levels of pulsed radio frequency (RF) radiation, are fire hazards and enable companies to sell near real-time private usage data to third parties. To mandate these utility meters is unacceptable - where there is risk, there must be choice! Moreover, utility companies want all of your meters upgraded - electric, gas, and water. Fortunately, two bills are moving through the NY State legislature that would protect our families and allow utility meter choice. Take Action and Demand NY Legislators Protect Your Health, Safety and Privacy. Ask New York State legislators to support Assembly Bill A09148 and Senate Bill S5632A, which include the following protections:
Senate Bill: NY S05632 Find My NY Senator Assembly Bill: NY A09148 Find MY NYS Assembly Representative Thank you for taking action!