Published by Spy Meter
What is the larger picture of a Smart Meter? Be mindful of the terminology. The word "smart" is to deceive you into thinking that it is advanced and to subdue questioning the meter purpose. The utility company presents the word "upgrade" deceptively. You may have the latest technology, but what is the hidden agenda? Aside from the health risk, Smart Meters are a command and control network, a transition to the Smart Grid and the Internet of Things (IoT), which use a variety of technologies to connect the digital and physical worlds. Within the Smart Grid and the IoT your physical location and movement is precisely tracked, and a unique profile of your lifestyle is constructed. Moreover, selling your personal data is very profitable for the utility company. As energy usage is surveilled, algorithms build a picture of your life and habits and then assign a unique user profile score. The sophistication of these back-end processes should not be underestimated, especially when coupled within the IoT meta structure. Little has been said about how a user's profile correlates to services. For example, rate structure and billing. Perhaps during peak demand hours your energy use is too high. You are therefore billed at a higher rate for time of use and your energy profile score is demoted. Part of the end game is to assign everyone an energy profile emission quota linked to carbon credits to save the environment, and when integrated into a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) you could be denied certain purchases for exceeding allowable carbon credit emissions. We hope that you appreciate the agenda of the smart meter control grid, much of which remains to be revealed. In our opinion, customer surveillance and privacy in the larger scheme of the Smart Grid and the IoT is a fundamental breach of law and basic human rights. For more on Smart Meter surveillance and privacy, watch the video on our spy meter page, 'Smart Meter Mass Surveillance'. In addition, here is a quote from the Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, PRIVACY AND THE MODERN GRID, by Sonia K. McNeil. meters are only one component of the broader transition to the smart grid. This effort, in contrast with past upgrades, is intended to alter permanently the prevailing technological standard for electric meters. The technology sophistication and its saturation are each relevant to privacy. What can you do?
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